Welcome to Red Door Ranch, we’re so happy you’re here.

You’re here because you’re struggling to balance kids sports activities and cooking a healthy dinner everyday.

  • Trying to avoid the drive-thru when rushing to the next event.
  •  Buying more and more “snacks” because supper isn’t keeping the kids full until bedtime.
  • Doing your best to feed yourself well so you can keep up with the kids.
  • I understand your frustration because it was our life too.
  • It’s a struggle to find food that will allow you and your family to live your best life possible….

Imagine you could have healthy, protein rich chicken, beef and pork (that’s actually tasty) at your fingertips!

You can.

This is why we started our farm….We started producing our own meat and eggs to nourish our family on a consistent basis. Now we feed our 3 young kids wholesome healthy meats and eggs grown and raised on pastures and in barns at our farm. And we want to help you feed yours too.

Finally, you can feel confident knowing where your food comes from. You can trust our meat. Because you’ll know what the animals eat, how well they’re treated and where they go for processing. This is a real game changer…

A steady supply of protein rich foods to prepare once and have in the fridge throughout the week. Phew!

Your bellies will stay full and your grocery bill be so much lower. Get rid of eating out or buying loads of pre-made meals once and for all. 

Know your farm family, know your food!
Red Door Ranch

Our Vision

To put health conscious families (like yours) in touch with homegrown food.Food that not only tastes real but is a responsible choice for all families.  Food that’s 100% whole.  No additives, no strange ingredients, simple healthy food.

Our products give you one less thing to worry about when it comes to the well being of your family.

We strive to help you and your family live their best life possible with farm fresh food.

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Contact us

Farm Store Hours

By appointment.
We love having folks out to the farm, it’s also a working farm where time and space are very valuable to us! Delivery is available most days of the week.


290 Devitt’s Road

Bobcaygeon Ontario

ON K0M 1A0

